Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Zain's 250 Word Entry!

The series of tragical              events

Today was a mirthful day (yeah right!) Okay, I’ll change that sentence; today was supposed to be a mirthful day however it turned out to be an exceedingly calamitous day. It all started this morning; despite the fact that it was almost noon. I woke up just in time to see ‘Skyfall’ when my mum saw me and said"Zain, you look awful". I replied "Thanks" in a way that I loathed her comment but I actually loved her statement. Then out of nowhere my dad appeared and gave my mum tea; just have a slight guess what happened next?
He spilled it on my mum’s new outfit. You should have seen my mum’s face… I don’t want to go in further detail. Well then my brother came up and he said he wanted me to buy him a car as big as a frog (that’s how he described it). My dad agreed with him and there was nothing for me to do but listen so I went to ‘Delhaize’ with my brother plus he bought a car which was €20 while we were at the shop my mother was making pancakes also when we came back to tell her that my brother insisted to buy the dear car she ignored me and mum flipped the pancake up but instead of catching it the pancake fell right into my face.. a terrible way to end a terrible day.       

Dear Zain,

If you want to enter the 100 Word Challenge, you will have to reduce the number of words in this piece of writing, as I am unable to submit it with a 250 word count!!

I am sure that you can do this...

Mrs T.                             


  1. He isn't; please read what I have written at the end of his essay!

    Mrs T.

  2. Mrs Tranter,
    The showcase for week 18 is going to be published today!
    I am checking it every hour because I don't know the time.
