Tuesday, February 12, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Driti Week 19


My mum is a brilliant cook, so, she had taken part in Master Chef India and yesterday she was cooking a scrumptious pancake for the judges. She was at the flipping part when disaster struck! My mum flipped the pancake up but it wouldn't get off the pan! Realizing she had made an error in the batter, she wasted not a moment in redoing it. This time she accurately prepared the pancake and when she flipped the pancake… Wow!! It somersaulted high in the air and landed gracefully on the pan. No prizes for guessing who won the competition!!


  1. My goodness - did your mother really take part in Master Chef India!
    Wonderful vocabulary: scrumptious, somersaulted and gracefully.
    Keep up the great work!
    Mrs T.

  2. Not really...all of it is completely made up..:)

  3. Very impressive writing with plenty of suspense. I'm impressed with your choice of words.
