Friday, February 22, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Zain Week 20

Zain the Great
Once upon a dreary midnight was a glimmer in the sky; not an ordinary glimmer it was the type of sparkle that makes you think of the past… ‘Zain the Great’ what do you think of when you hear that phrase?

Since I was born, I was finding out about him; he was a great guy, good-looking, mature, saved millions of people and never gave up. But when I ask someone "Do you know who Zain the Great is?” The answer always comes out as "They didn’t mention that on the packet ".   So now what should I do?     


  1. Thanx although in the sentence 'what do you think of when you hear that phrase'. I don't know what people would think of!!

  2. Great technique of asking a question of the audience...
    Well don Zain the Great!
    Mrs T.

  3. Well done for writing such a superb story Zain. I was really impressed with your use of vocabulary to really help the reader imagine the situation the character was going through. Keep up the excellent writing.

    Miss Wallis - Team 100WC
