Thursday, February 14, 2013

100 Week Challenge BT Ishita Week 19

              Pancake flip disaster

 Yesterday, it was Shrove Tuesday. Our neighbours had been invited by my parents for an amiable competition. We children were dashing across the garden flipping the pancakes in our pans. While mothers were making additional pancakes – a competition to see who cooked faster- by using the ingredients: eggs flour; milk furthermore a spatula.
While frying the pancake, our neighbour flipped the pancake into the atmosphere, it spun thrice, and then it landed exactly in the middle of the pan. It was eye-popping! We were amazed by her technique. My mum flipped her pancake up but it voyaged over our heads and unexpectedly landed on the ROOF!     


  1. Dear Ishita,

    Well done for trying to improve your vocabulary: amiable, thrice and voyaged.
    Fun story!

    Mrs T.

  2. Well done Ishita, this is a enjoyable and funny story! You have used a great range of vocabulary and punctuation, which is fantastic!

    Keep working hard! :)

    Laura Team 100WC
