Tuesday, February 12, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Zain Week 19

The series of tragical events                 (continued)

I went to bed, with a cold in my head and I won’t get up till morning…   So guess what happened today? The same old story reiterates itself. Monday started with me departing outside to get some fresh air; the wind was so strong that it blew me away to China (if I remember correctly), my dad came in an intercontinental plane to take me back to Belgium. After my return, I was scolded, nevertheless, my mum was making chocolate pancakes and yet another catastrophe strikes… mum flipped the pancake up but… the pancake landed directly on my face…        


  1. Zain, the rules of grammar state that you should always use the same tense eg. past or present. However, I think that 'I went'. 'I won't' 'strikes' contribute to this original piece of writing.
    I am pleased to see some 'wow' words.
    Keep up the good work!

    Mrs T.

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