Thursday, February 7, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya

 The heavy oak door was in front of me. As I opened it, a bright blue light flashed and suddenly. Bam! Out of the blue, advanced a troop of animals.   


         The animals didn’t appear normal at all. The animals had the stingers of scorpions, the beaks of gryphons and the bodies of humans. And it seemed as if they were guarding something. I really wanted to ascertain what they were guarding; so I took my chance. I jumped out of my hiding place then I abandoned them and ran towards the light source.  Across the door, I saw a pure blue crystal……………….


  1. Tisya, you have a vivid imagination! Well done for using a range of 'wow' words and a range of high level punctuation.
    Super work!
    Mrs T.

  2. Wow! Would like to hear the rest of the story :)
