Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BISB 100 Word Challenge Week 18 BT Driti

Mysterious Marvel

I was amongst the crowd at a monotonous party on a pitch black night. Somehow, I needed to get away. Thinking, I stared at the dull, depressing world outside. “How could this be worse?” Suddenly, out of the blue, a caravan appeared. A caravan with wings! I needed an excuse. “I am just going to wash my hands, OK?” I darted downstairs and stepped outside, leaving the relentless party behind. Hoping it was not locked, I approached the enchanting object. Unfortunately, my fears came true. Then, a silver gleam caught my eye. The key fitted perfectly. What could be waiting behind this door?


  1. I agree Zain; I am very impressed with all the 100 word entries; will yours be available to upload tomorrow?
    Mrs T.

  2. no i don't think so, but i will try harder next week

  3. Dear Driti,

    Excellent choice of vocabulary: monotonously, depressing and relentless and a short sentence for dramatic effect!

    Well done.
    Mrs T.

  4. Well done, a really great 100WC entry! Where on earth did the Caravan with wings come from?
    I am quite excited to find out what could be waiting behind the door!!

  5. hi your story is really good. and you rembered your full stops.
