Monday, February 11, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 19

 Waking up early, but still too late,

 I woke up expecting the alarm to go off before me.

 But I beat it. I woke up a half hour earlier, and that’s 3 days in a row.

 So at least today I can reach school in time (which happens very rarely. My school is about 10 min from here).  Once I got ready; (15 min left), I was watching my mum make breakfast. She was making pancakes (Hooray) but she was terrible at it. (5 min left). Mum flipped the pancake but it stuck to the ceiling. (10 seconds left). Too late for breakfast, I raced to school. 


  1. Well done Rishikesh! Dynamic punctuation; I can just imagine you beginning your school day in this manner!

    Mrs T

  2. i can also although i don't think he will ever do it

  3. I am really pleased Zain; you are such a talented writer. Please send it without any highlights, just black text on a white background, otherwise it is too complicated for me to upload!

    Mrs T.

  4. We'll well there are many different things from my entry and me. For one, I wake up I hour earlier and still get late by about ten min and miss playtime. Another reason, my mum never makes pancakes and three I dont have an alarm clock I use my phone. Another reason....
    Oh you get the point. I wake up early but am still late to reach school.(I hope this is short enough for a comment :) ) lol

  5. Mrs. T why do u highlight the entries? Because I think it looks better against the blog template.

    1. Rishikesh, I couldn't get rid of the yellow highlighter that you used. If you could send me an updated version in just plain black and white, I will try to upload it for you.
      Mrs T

  6. The last two comments and this one were sent on the iPad

  7. Hi Rishikesh, I enjoyed reading your 100WC. I especially liked the countdown idea that you used throughout your writing. Maybe you could use some time connectives to begin some of your sentences next time. :)
