Thursday, February 28, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Isabelle Week 21

            Where's the driver?

There we were,doing our usual news paper deliveries
on our bikes,pedaling around the village.
Keeping a sharp eye out for..... the car.
We had been suspicious about that car for a while,for one reason only.
There was never a driver in sight, still everything running well; steering
wheel steering,lights gong on and off,
the vehicle moving very swiftly.
Us still trailing behind it.
That's when I saw a tiny twitch inside the car.
It looked like a camera.
The car stopped suddenly...We stopped suddenly.
It turned round slowly,we did the same.
We went round the corner extremely drowsily and raced.
We heard breaks screaming, 
the race was on!


  1. Hello Isabelle,

    A mysterious car sets the scene for a very good use of the prompt. You have tried to keep to the word limit while writing an interesting story. I didn't expect a race. I was more suspicious of you might be being followed by criminals using a remotely controlled car. Well done. :)

    Just one small suggestion comes to mind as I read your entry. At times you omitted a space after commas. A space should be used after each comma.

    Have you taken the opportunity to visit the entries of students from other schools? It is interesting to see how others have approached the prompt. Don’t forget to leave them a comment if you do visit. :)

    I hope you keep entering the 100WC.

    @RossMannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. I just love the 'tiny twitch' and the repetition of 'stopped suddenly'. Thank you so much for this entry, I really enjoyed reading it.

    Mrs T.
