Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BISB 100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh

My Friend, and  his world

Hooray! It was Sunday!

The day I could goof off, play video games and play sport in the basement. 

Well, today started badly, I crashed into the floor when I got into bed, used my shaving cream instead of toothpaste and crashed a plate at breakfast. I tried playing video games but suddenly, out of the blue, something had gone wrong with them, I tried again for 2 minutes, and gave up. I went down for sport in the basement. I took all my cricket equipment and safety gear. I had a friend. In the basement. A flying thing. A huge, mythical, dragon ‼


  1. Dear Rishikesh,
    I really enjoyed reading this 'punchy' 100 word challenge; the use of the short sentence for dramatic effect worked well.
    Keep up the good work.
    Mrs T.

  2. This is a good entry for the 100WC! I am impressed with your use of longer and shorter sentences to create more drama in your story. I hope your Sunday didn't start that badly!

  3. Mrs.T. Am I allowed to edit my entry?
    There'll still be 104 words.??

  4. What a wonderful story. What a creative use of the prompt. Really enjoyed reading your story!!

    Keep up the good work

    keep writing

    Mr Overton
    100 WC Team
