Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BISB 100 Word Challenge BT Ishika

The rain was hammering down and a chilly stream poured across my smeared face. I didn’t have a clue about where he was but I was aware of his presence.
A brooding mist crept low, above the ground, prowling around us, slithering over our feet. The trees stood silent and dark, hiding what might lay behind, watching and waiting. Then suddenly out of the blue came a silent figure. You could see his knife blazing in the moonlight. My mouth was twisted in a scream that never came out. I knew that the time had come, that only my luck could save me now.


  1. Dear Ishika,
    What an evocative phrase, 'A brooding mist crept low'!
    Perhaps next time you could include a wider range of higher level punctuation?
    Excellent work.

    Mrs T.

  2. This is brilliant. I'm so impressed with your use of descriptive language and the way you introduced a mystery figure at the beginning to create suspense.

  3. Very lovely and adventurous vocabulary , WELL DONE

  4. it's a very good and you rembered your full stops.
