Sunday, February 10, 2013

100 Word Challenge - This Week!

The word count for this is not clear;  I have looked at the other entries and I think that you should work on 'up to 100 words', including the prompt.  If this changes I will update this post.

Mrs T.  

From  the100 Word Challenge site...
I was SO impressed with the 615 entries! Absolutely fabulous! Don’t forget to check out Week#17 Showcase and see some of the special posts. The showcase for Week#18 will be published on Tues 12th February.
Now for this week. The prompt is:
…mum flipped the pancake up but….
I know many schools in the UK are on holiday this week but not all so we’ll see what you come up with for Shrove Tuesday! Do visit at least 2 entries from other classes and leave some supportive comments.
The link will be open at 11am Sunday 10th February and will close at 9pm GMT on 16th February
Get ready Year 6!
Mrs T.


  1. Mrs.T like last week is it going to be 100 words + 6 words (mum flipped the pancake but)making 106 word??

  2. Mrs Tranter,
    How do we post our entries?

    We are not coming back till next Monday and we can't post our entries later than Saturday.

  3. Driti, you can send them to me at my email address.

    Mrs T

  4. Do numbers count as words?
    Because my computer counts numbers(I mean figures) as words.

  5. I think that you should base your word count on the computer count.
    Mrs T.

  6. Well then it's fine, coz my computer 'agrees' ( geddit) with me that my entry is exactly 100 words excluding the title.

    This is sent from my iPad

  7. How do I follow your blog, I'm just deciding to copy zain and be up-to-date with stuff on the blog.
    Yeah so how do I follow your blog?
