Thursday, February 28, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya Week 21

Jellystone Camp

  Jellystone camping finally, for the summer in America, Schaumburg. My family, friends their families, all were going camping, and finally hit the road. Cleverly, my dad arranged all my friends in our car. I and my three friends were in the rear seat, but the chatter made us forget the space cramps.

   While we were on the highway, the car stopped suddenly?! A tree trunk was bang in the road!! What do we do now? Not on time, the camping spot will be gone. This really wasn’t happening was it “Seems like we have a long hours break” said dad.


  1. Jellystone Park reminds me of Yogi Bear's adventures there... Well done for questioning the audience and including dialogue. Great work, Tisya.

    Mrs T.

  2. Hi Tisya, you do a good job here of setting the scene and using little details to put your reader right there in the car with you: why do dadas like arranging passengers like that? In your second paragraph think a little about the punctuation: Doesn't the first sentence need just an exclamation mark, no question mark? Then "This really wasn’t happening was it" could be "This really wasn’t happening, was it?" Keep it up!
