Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BISB 100 Word Challenge Week 18 BT Mohamed

...The boat was sinking, “I was SABOTAGED!” panic and anger raced through my veins. All I had for food was the tiny trout I had caught at dusk yesterday.                                                                                                My water supply was running low, about half an hour later my boat met its death on the sea bed, I had to lie on the water surface to stay alive.                                                                                                                   Then without warning a helicopter drifted over my head, I was yelling as hard as I could, it was useless they couldn't hear or see me. Suddenly out of the blue a speed boat popped out, “I am saved” I thought to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mohamed,

    I loved 'panic and anger raced through my veins'!
    A super piece of writing...
    Mrs T.
