Saturday, February 23, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 22nd February 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

It was great to see all the children’s smiling faces on Monday morning; my only problem is trying to stop them talking; you would think that they had not seen each other for a month!

Our first task was to write a thank you letter to the director of ‘The Merchant of Venice’.  Ms R is always keen to receive feedback from BISB pupils, so the children included a critique of the performance in their letters.  Mr P will see this work and then forward it to Ms R.

This week, in Literacy, we investigated how to identify emotive language, what emotions it stirs up, and how effective it is; children must be able to comment on a writer’s use of language. The pupils studied two contrasting poems; ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ written by Wilfred Owen and 'Everyone Sang' by Siegfried Sassoon set in World War 1.

Miss RT has kindly offered to teach the children a range of dance techniques.  So, on Wednesday we made our way downstairs to the BISB Fitness and Dance Studio and were taken through a dance routine to music from a singer called Beyoncé (a far cry from my ‘Hits from the 80’s)!  The routine involved the holding of hands for the Salsa…

Data handling and mathematical diagrams were this week’s focus; topics included: probability, bar charts, pie charts, conversion graphs, pictograms, mileage charts,  timetables, network and stem and leaf diagrams. The homework this week will be based on these subjects.

I am thrilled with the response to the ‘100 Word Challenge’; the children have received many positive comments from the 100WT team and I am sure that we shall see BISB in the showcase soon.  Keep up the terrific work.

You should have received a copy of the permission letter for our trip to La Monnaie; details are on the blog.

Spring is on the way – enjoy the weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs T.

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