Thursday, February 21, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Driti

The Journey Begins…

I was in my bedroom, waiting patiently. I knew it would arrive soon- it was already delayed 2 days. DING DONG!
Yippee! Finally, my wait was over; my iPhone5 was here at last! Gleefully, I pranced along to the front door and opened it. A large packet was staring up at me, pleading to tear it off.
I reached for it, oblivious of the surprise that lay inside. It was the most dazzling diamond I had ever seen; immediately, I knew it was enchanted. They didn’t mention that on the packet! My journey through the magical world had begun…


  1. This has so much in it Driti! You could take it in so many different directions! I think maybe you could make it even better if you had a bit of a plan first so that all the parts of the story linked. sometimes that is hard though when you have so many ideas isn't it? Thank you for joining 100WC!

  2. Superb choice of vocabulary which really brought this story to life!
    You are a highly imaginative writer.

    Well done, Driti,
    Mrs T.

  3. I completely agree Driti, an excellently constructed piece using a wide range of carefully considered vocabulary.

    Very well done indeed.

    Team 100wc
