Friday, February 1, 2013

Home School Book 1st February 2013

Dear Parents,

Unfortunately several children have been absent this week due to sickness; I do hope to see all their smiling and healthy faces on Monday morning.

The answering of comprehension questions is still uppermost in our thoughts; we spent a considerable amount of time this week analysing and comparing weak and strong responses to different types of questions; mastering this skill takes time, practice and effort – a small improvement each week is the target that all pupils should  be working towards.

We battled the driving rain and wind as we set off on our outing to the Princess Elisabeth Ice Station, after having negotiated platform and metro line changes; we made it to our destination.  The Ice Station was most impressive; the pupils were particularly delighted with the bunk bed arrangement in the sleeping quarters, and I am sure, that if it were possible, they would have forced me to organise an overnight stay there! We then compared the Ice Station facilities with those of Ernest Shackleton’s base camp on Elephant Island.  As part of ‘Extraordinary People’ week, we studied Ernest Shackleton’s formidable leadership skills; an example to us all.  I even heard his name mentioned during our ‘BISB basement’ work-out session when some of the children wanted to give-up and collapse!
We have now finished watching ‘The Merchant of Venice’; I am confident that the children have a sound understanding of the many subplots. Work on our display has been furious; calligraphy, sketching, dressmaking, casket decorating and gondola designing – brilliant team work!

In mathematics, our focus was polygons:  angles at a point, on a straight line, in a triangle, interior and exterior angles.  The homework this week will include this and for some children, symmetry (symmetry has not been covered in class). Also, some children will be expected to complete additional preparation for next week’s mathematics’ lessons. 

Unless I hear differently from you, I shall presume that the travel arrangements for next Thursday night are the same as those detailed in the blog itinerary:

I find it difficult to believe that we only have one more week before half-term – how time flies!

Enjoy your weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs T.        

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