Wednesday, February 27, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Eera Week 21

Uncanny land

We were going along a place that looked like or rather was ‘Paradise’. The road was driven over by the car; Christine and I looked out at the beach shaded with a long patch of palm trees. Wondering what it was we drove towards the ‘palm forest’. The car stopped suddenly the GPS person exclaimed “HAZARDOUS TO CONTINUE”. So we marched into the forest and wondered what was so ‘hazardous’ about the palm trees. This was paradise not hazardous land was it? Or it looked like paradise. When we went deeper we realized … that it was eeeerrriiieee and really freaked everyone.


  1. ...This was paradise not hazardous land was it? Excellent question to the audience and what a terrific choice of setting.
    Mrs T

  2. Hello! Thank you for writing for the 100WC, I loved reading your story, it was imaginative and exciting. I also liked the way you changed the size of the text and the boldness to help words stand out. I was excited to find out what would happen next. Keep writing!
