Wednesday, February 27, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 21

Chores Are Definitely Bad For You

I was cycling down the road. My destination on my GPS, I mean, my brain was the supermarket. I was actually cycling amazingly fast…FAST!? When did I ever want to do chores?
Since I could buy whatever I liked.

My mum wanted me to buy some stuff, but; but more money was given than needed to me. Enough extra money for comics. I wasn't sure I was going to get there in time. So I panicked and took a sharp turn. RED light. A car was going to hit me. The car stopped suddenly. I looked then stared, my history teacher. Now I’m history.

1 comment:

  1. I am so please to so that you changed the font sizeof fast...FAST, and the ending play on the word history is brilliant.

    Mrs T
