Saturday, February 9, 2013

Home School Book 9th February 2013

Dear Parents,

The aftermath of the penthouse pizza party is in evidence throughout the top floor!  When I have finished this letter, I shall begin rebuilding the classroom and trying to eliminate the delicate aroma of pepperoni! 

Our evening entertainment began with our pre-theatre supper of pizza, jacket potatoes and ice-cream and then we set off into the night air to make our way by tram to the venue.  On arrival, we ordered our drinks for the interval and then found our reserved seats; whilst not the most luxurious of theatres, the children were given seats from which they enjoyed an excellent view of the stage. Tracie Ryan, the director had decided to set this production in the 1920’s which provided the children with an interesting contrast to both the traditional and ‘Las Vegas’ settings which they have previously encountered. The acting was superb; Shylock was mesmerising!  No doubt there will be much discussion about the performance today in the classroom.  It was a late night; my sincere thanks to those parents who helped out with the trip, transported children home and to all of you for your unremitting support.

Using our delightful puppets, the Year 6 pupils performed the story of ‘The Merchant of Venice’ to an enraptured Year 3 class. I discussed this with Tracie Ryan who has asked me to send her photographs of this project; please let me know if you do not wish me to include a photograph of your child.

This week the children have been busy working on informal test papers in Mathematics and English.  The results for the maths test were very encouraging; I have yet to mark the Literacy work.  There is no homework for this half-term, however, some children have expressed a desire to work independently; they will have been given guidelines for this, and I shall post additional information on the blog this weekend. 

I was thrilled with the response to the’ 100 Word Challenge’; I invite you all to make comments on your child’s, or another child’s work, to encourage them!  If there is a challenge during the holiday, I shall post the information on the blog.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday,

Kind regards,

Mrs T

1 comment:

  1. Mrs.T have you rid the classroom out of 'the delicate aroma of pepperoni ' because I'm thinking of not coming until its gone.

    Just kidding
