Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trip to La Monnaie

     THIS LETTER WILL BE SENT HOME  - FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY                                          

Dear Parents,  
For Year 5 and 6 pupils, we have managed to organise a trip to visit ‘La Monnaie’ on the morning of Wednesday 6th March; children should arrive at school at the usual time.  The cost of this outing will be 8 euro.

Would you please send the money, in a named sealed envelope, to your child’s class teacher by 27th February, thank you.

With kind regards,

Mrs T

PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN to your child’s class Teacher, in a names sealed envelope by Wednesday 27 February, 2013.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,
Child’s Name: _____________________ in Year _____to go on the trip to ‘La Monnaie’ on Wednesday March 6, 2013.  I have enclosed 8 euro to cover the cost of this outing.

Parents’ name:_________________________Phone:      ____________________________  

Parents’ signature:______________________ 

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