Friday, February 22, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Ishita Week 20

                                                    EXPLOSIVE SCIENCE
 Yesterday my dad unexpectedly bought me a science kit. There were: 3 narrow tubes with curved ends, 3 different coloured liquids in the 3 tubes furthermore 3 corks on top of the tubes so the liquids won’t escape. One day I tried an experiment with my science kit; slowly the instructions were read by me. The instructions said ‘pour a tablespoon of scarlet liquid into the turquoise liquid’. So I began to pour. In a nanosecond– just when the two liquids converged- it exploded! Grey smoke spread across my face. I didn't know that a disaster would strike; they didn't mention that on the packet. What NOW?


  1. Super passive - the instructions were read by me - your story was very imaginative!
    Mrs T.

  2. What an imaginative way to include this week's prompt! I love the idea of an 'unexpected' science kit and how wonderful that it did what everybody hopes a science kit will do - an explosion! When I teach science I always feel that the children are disappointed that it's not a mad professor's type of laboratory with bubbles and steam.
    You have used some impressive language in this post for the 100WC - I especially like 'converged' and you have written some super descriptions to help the reader to build a picture of the science kit.
    Keep on reading and keep on writing. Thank you for sharing your writing; I really enjoyed reading this.
    Mrs Neale (Team 100WC)

  3. Some very impressive wow words! Well done :)
    Primary 5/6 Rosneath Primary
