Thursday, February 28, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya Week 21

Jellystone Camp

  Jellystone camping finally, for the summer in America, Schaumburg. My family, friends their families, all were going camping, and finally hit the road. Cleverly, my dad arranged all my friends in our car. I and my three friends were in the rear seat, but the chatter made us forget the space cramps.

   While we were on the highway, the car stopped suddenly?! A tree trunk was bang in the road!! What do we do now? Not on time, the camping spot will be gone. This really wasn’t happening was it “Seems like we have a long hours break” said dad.

100 Word Challenge BT Isabelle Week 21

            Where's the driver?

There we were,doing our usual news paper deliveries
on our bikes,pedaling around the village.
Keeping a sharp eye out for..... the car.
We had been suspicious about that car for a while,for one reason only.
There was never a driver in sight, still everything running well; steering
wheel steering,lights gong on and off,
the vehicle moving very swiftly.
Us still trailing behind it.
That's when I saw a tiny twitch inside the car.
It looked like a camera.
The car stopped suddenly...We stopped suddenly.
It turned round slowly,we did the same.
We went round the corner extremely drowsily and raced.
We heard breaks screaming, 
the race was on!

100 Word Challenge BT Ishika Week 21

The branches of the thick, tangled trees had spread and twisted to form dark overhead tunnels and created unseen paths. I should have never joined this quest.Here I was at midnight in the middle of nowhere stuck with the world's worst driver, Liam. Then the car shuddered along the bone shaking trail. Clouds of dusts sprayed the widescreen and the car leaped into the air as the front tyres struck the pot holes.THUD!BANG! The car stopped suddenly and there was a long silence. I froze in horror,fear seized me in it's jaws................I sat corpse like.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 21

Chores Are Definitely Bad For You

I was cycling down the road. My destination on my GPS, I mean, my brain was the supermarket. I was actually cycling amazingly fast…FAST!? When did I ever want to do chores?
Since I could buy whatever I liked.

My mum wanted me to buy some stuff, but; but more money was given than needed to me. Enough extra money for comics. I wasn't sure I was going to get there in time. So I panicked and took a sharp turn. RED light. A car was going to hit me. The car stopped suddenly. I looked then stared, my history teacher. Now I’m history.

100 Word Challenge BT Eera Week 21

Uncanny land

We were going along a place that looked like or rather was ‘Paradise’. The road was driven over by the car; Christine and I looked out at the beach shaded with a long patch of palm trees. Wondering what it was we drove towards the ‘palm forest’. The car stopped suddenly the GPS person exclaimed “HAZARDOUS TO CONTINUE”. So we marched into the forest and wondered what was so ‘hazardous’ about the palm trees. This was paradise not hazardous land was it? Or it looked like paradise. When we went deeper we realized … that it was eeeerrriiieee and really freaked everyone.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Photos uploaded at you know where!

100 Word Challenge - Timescale

Saturday night - midnight deadline for entries
Sunday - new writing prompt appears on 100WC website
Monday - discuss in school
Tuesday - 'Showcase'  appears online
Friday night - please try to send me your 100 WC entries by Friday evening to avoid disappointment.

You have my contact details...
Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge BT Felix 100 Week 20

Horrible meal

Quite recently my mother had bought chicken soup and yesterday we ate it so while I was watching TV my mother made it and put chicken,water and spices in by the time she had finished I was so hungry that I gobbled it down rapidly not caring about the taste. So, by the time I had eaten my portion  I,my father and my mother had a stomach ache so my mother called the company and asked why chicken soup made your stomach feel bad which we all wanted to know and we were told there had been a typing error turning choking soup to chicken soup,they didn't mention that on the packet

100 Word Challenge BT Ishika Week 20

Brownie Debacle!
Today was mum’s birthday! Caroline woke up early to prepare her mum’s breakfast. The kitchen was a warm welcoming room gleaming with polished wood. The sun spilt through the windows. Without wasting a second, the six year old followed the instructions on the packet. When the brownie was ready, she neatly positioned it on a silver tray and entered her mum’s bedroom. “Happy Birthday Mum! ²greeted Caroline. Mum took a bite and a frown formed on her face. “Did you separate the eggs from their shells?” posed mum. “Well, they didn’t mention it on the packet!”exclaimed Caroline.

Back in the Penthouse

Hi, I am back in the Penthouse - see you later!

Mrs T.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Divij Week 20

It was the most wonderful Sunday morning. I had slept in, happens normally. I wonder if you have ever slept in? Suddenly, I remembered, I had ordered a trendy watch with all of the above. I dashed downstairs; no package. I proceeded to my computer and checked my email to see if it was delayed; there was one... ‘We will be delivering your package at 11:59 pm (still today)… great!
It arrived, I tried it out, first the stopwatch. A button was pressed by me and in a nanosecond the watch self-destructed. They didn’t mention that on the packet.  Nooooooooo!

Home School Book Week Ending 22nd February 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

It was great to see all the children’s smiling faces on Monday morning; my only problem is trying to stop them talking; you would think that they had not seen each other for a month!

Our first task was to write a thank you letter to the director of ‘The Merchant of Venice’.  Ms R is always keen to receive feedback from BISB pupils, so the children included a critique of the performance in their letters.  Mr P will see this work and then forward it to Ms R.

This week, in Literacy, we investigated how to identify emotive language, what emotions it stirs up, and how effective it is; children must be able to comment on a writer’s use of language. The pupils studied two contrasting poems; ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ written by Wilfred Owen and 'Everyone Sang' by Siegfried Sassoon set in World War 1.

Miss RT has kindly offered to teach the children a range of dance techniques.  So, on Wednesday we made our way downstairs to the BISB Fitness and Dance Studio and were taken through a dance routine to music from a singer called Beyoncé (a far cry from my ‘Hits from the 80’s)!  The routine involved the holding of hands for the Salsa…

Data handling and mathematical diagrams were this week’s focus; topics included: probability, bar charts, pie charts, conversion graphs, pictograms, mileage charts,  timetables, network and stem and leaf diagrams. The homework this week will be based on these subjects.

I am thrilled with the response to the ‘100 Word Challenge’; the children have received many positive comments from the 100WT team and I am sure that we shall see BISB in the showcase soon.  Keep up the terrific work.

You should have received a copy of the permission letter for our trip to La Monnaie; details are on the blog.

Spring is on the way – enjoy the weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya Week 20


        Time for painting. I rejoiced as I got dressed. Just as I was heading out, my mum got a call. She informed me that my teacher wasn’t feeling well. I was downcast because I was to finish my favorite painting; a dog. My mom suggested that I do a canvas at home.

 I started with my canvas kit. As I started drawing on the canvas, the canvas tore! I searched on the internet for what went wrong. The answer was, I was supposed to draw with a piece of coal. They didn’t mention that on the packet.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homework for Week Ending 22nd February 2013

Spellings for Monday
Schofield comprehension for Thursday
Why do you think Swift uses irony to make his point about child poverty in Ireland? for Monday
L7 - finish chapter 8 Book 9A for Monday - the books must be returned on Monday.  You do not have to do each question, but you must be confident that you could answer any style of question from this section in an examination.

L6 - Data handling - Year 8 Chapter 20 revision questions for Monday
L5 - Data Handling - Target 6 - Revision for Monday
For some,  paper 4 comprehension will be given out on Monday for Friday

100 Word Challenge BT Zain Week 20

Zain the Great
Once upon a dreary midnight was a glimmer in the sky; not an ordinary glimmer it was the type of sparkle that makes you think of the past… ‘Zain the Great’ what do you think of when you hear that phrase?

Since I was born, I was finding out about him; he was a great guy, good-looking, mature, saved millions of people and never gave up. But when I ask someone "Do you know who Zain the Great is?” The answer always comes out as "They didn’t mention that on the packet ".   So now what should I do?     

100 Word Challenge BT Ishita Week 20

                                                    EXPLOSIVE SCIENCE
 Yesterday my dad unexpectedly bought me a science kit. There were: 3 narrow tubes with curved ends, 3 different coloured liquids in the 3 tubes furthermore 3 corks on top of the tubes so the liquids won’t escape. One day I tried an experiment with my science kit; slowly the instructions were read by me. The instructions said ‘pour a tablespoon of scarlet liquid into the turquoise liquid’. So I began to pour. In a nanosecond– just when the two liquids converged- it exploded! Grey smoke spread across my face. I didn't know that a disaster would strike; they didn't mention that on the packet. What NOW?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trip to La Monnaie

     THIS LETTER WILL BE SENT HOME  - FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY                                          

Dear Parents,  
For Year 5 and 6 pupils, we have managed to organise a trip to visit ‘La Monnaie’ on the morning of Wednesday 6th March; children should arrive at school at the usual time.  The cost of this outing will be 8 euro.

Would you please send the money, in a named sealed envelope, to your child’s class teacher by 27th February, thank you.

With kind regards,

Mrs T

PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN to your child’s class Teacher, in a names sealed envelope by Wednesday 27 February, 2013.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,
Child’s Name: _____________________ in Year _____to go on the trip to ‘La Monnaie’ on Wednesday March 6, 2013.  I have enclosed 8 euro to cover the cost of this outing.

Parents’ name:_________________________Phone:      ____________________________  

Parents’ signature:______________________ 

NRICH Weekly Problem

Solution to last week's NRICH problem

Weekly Problem 7 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1

Alternate angles BDF and DFG are equal, so lines BD and FG are parallel.
Therefore angle BCA = angle FGC = 80 (corresponding angles).

Consider triangle ABC: x+70+80=180 so x=30.

Can you do this week's?

Weekly Problem 8 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1
I walk to the bike shop at 3 miles per hour and cycle back along the same route at 12 miles per hour. What is my average speed in miles per hour, for the time I am actually travelling on the route?

100 Week Challenge


Please may I have your entries for this week's challenge within the next 48 hours - thank you.

Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge - Eera

100 word challenge
It was an amazing morning; we all woke up to realize that it was ‘Pancake Day’. Though we only got our senses to work at 10 am we could not wait until 4 in the evening when the pancake races would start. But first, we had to have a pancake stepped out to get the batter while we were brushing and setting the table. He returned with the batter and mum kept cooking pancakes. Mr. Hurley (our neighbour) said his wife was away so he was going to be eating with us…mum flipped the pancake but it landed on Mr. Hurley’s head. PLOP!

100 Word Challenge BT Driti

The Journey Begins…

I was in my bedroom, waiting patiently. I knew it would arrive soon- it was already delayed 2 days. DING DONG!
Yippee! Finally, my wait was over; my iPhone5 was here at last! Gleefully, I pranced along to the front door and opened it. A large packet was staring up at me, pleading to tear it off.
I reached for it, oblivious of the surprise that lay inside. It was the most dazzling diamond I had ever seen; immediately, I knew it was enchanted. They didn’t mention that on the packet! My journey through the magical world had begun…

100 Word Challenge BT Eera

TTRRRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNGGGGG!!! Rang the alarm and I woke up with a screech! I realized I was late. Rapidly got ready and then rushed downstairs. Breakfast was already ready. Gobbled it up then packed my bag and hurried to school. Today was the school’s Halloween celebration and everyone was going to get a gift. Grace and I were waiting for long to open the presents. So at night we met and then opened them. And as we opened our presents, one of them really frightened us. It was a monster which popped out.
What a pity! It didn’t say that on the packet……One big Halloween fright, I say!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 20

The Worst Birthday Gift EVER!

It was my birthday. I had got a gift which I've been saving pocket money for since last month. The coolest game ever. Halo 4. Well Dad agreed to get the game. Highly unusual. Well at least the game’s arriving tomorrow. (Next day). No video game, and the same for the next one week.

(After a week)

Finally; the game. There was a note saying: ‘Sorry for the inconvenience.’  
And guess what? The game wasn't what I expected. Instead of Halo 4, I got a doll with the name ‘Barbie dress up doll’. They didn't mention that on the packet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Spellings for Monday 25th February

BT. Words with silent letters
































Sunday, February 17, 2013

100 Word Challenge - Week 20

We still have schools on half-term holiday here in the UK but I know many of you like to write during holiday times. The prompt this week is:
…they didn’t mention that on the packet….
Don’t forget to visit each other to support this wonderful writing. As a writer, I know it feels good to get comments! Do read the tabs at the top if you are a new visitor and get in touch if you have any questions or queries.
The link will be open until 9pm GMT 23 rd February

See you all tomorrow!


I am really looking forward to the next 6 weeks...

See you tomorrow,

Mrs T.

Friday, February 15, 2013

100 Word Challenge Ruvarashe Week 19


I had woken up from a deep sleep and was on my way to brush my teeth when I smelt the delicious pancake aroma. Quickly but carefully I brushed my teeth then ran downstairs with a feeling of exhilaration seething inside me. I entered the kitchen with enthusiasm and greeted my family then calmly sat down. My mother flicked a pancake in the air and it landed in my  dad's plate .The next one landed in my sister's plate, it was my turn Mum flipped the pancake up but , instead of landing in my plate it fell on me.

Week 19 100 Word Challenge

This list will close in 1 day, 15 hrs, 32 min (2/16/2013 11:59 PM Europe - Greenwich Mean Time)

Thank you for all the fantastic entries!  Will any students who have not sent in their entries, please do so, within the next 24 hours... 

Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge BT Ishika

Pancake catastrophe

Today was Pancake Day! As I  woke up, my nose was filled with the sweet essence of PANCAKES! I whizzed downstairs. My sister, dad and Coco (my dog) were at the table.What took you so long?questioned mum.I needed an excuse.Well.........Coco stole my T-shirt I replied.Then mum flipped the pancake up but instead of landing on my plate, Coco sprang up with her jaws wide open and it landed in her mouth.Nevermind, I'll have another one I said.Sorry love, but I've run out of eggssighed mum. NOOOOOOOO !It couldn't be!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

100 Week Challenge BT Ishita Week 19

              Pancake flip disaster

 Yesterday, it was Shrove Tuesday. Our neighbours had been invited by my parents for an amiable competition. We children were dashing across the garden flipping the pancakes in our pans. While mothers were making additional pancakes – a competition to see who cooked faster- by using the ingredients: eggs flour; milk furthermore a spatula.
While frying the pancake, our neighbour flipped the pancake into the atmosphere, it spun thrice, and then it landed exactly in the middle of the pan. It was eye-popping! We were amazed by her technique. My mum flipped her pancake up but it voyaged over our heads and unexpectedly landed on the ROOF!     

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Math's Challenge - NRICH

Math's Challenge KS2

Weekly problem KS3

If you like Mathematics - you could try  these problems....

Mrs T

100 Word Challenge Week 18

Congratulations to all of you for participating in the 100 Word Challenge - Week 18.  This is just the beginning of the adventure; I know that we shall be in the showcase in the future...

Mrs T.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Driti Week 19


My mum is a brilliant cook, so, she had taken part in Master Chef India and yesterday she was cooking a scrumptious pancake for the judges. She was at the flipping part when disaster struck! My mum flipped the pancake up but it wouldn't get off the pan! Realizing she had made an error in the batter, she wasted not a moment in redoing it. This time she accurately prepared the pancake and when she flipped the pancake… Wow!! It somersaulted high in the air and landed gracefully on the pan. No prizes for guessing who won the competition!!

100 Word Challenge BT Zain Week 19

The series of tragical events                 (continued)

I went to bed, with a cold in my head and I won’t get up till morning…   So guess what happened today? The same old story reiterates itself. Monday started with me departing outside to get some fresh air; the wind was so strong that it blew me away to China (if I remember correctly), my dad came in an intercontinental plane to take me back to Belgium. After my return, I was scolded, nevertheless, my mum was making chocolate pancakes and yet another catastrophe strikes… mum flipped the pancake up but… the pancake landed directly on my face…        

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya Week 19

Pancakes in my plate?? Oh oH! 

     We were in the garden eating pancakes for lunch. It was a day before Shrove’s Tuesday and mum was practicing. I watched her as she did flips with the pancake. It was the second time she was doing the race. So she did well until she tried to do a somersault with the pancake. Mum flipped the pancake but it ended up in my plate. It wasn't that bad because I was going to ask my dad for more but if my mum did that tomorrow onto the ground then she’d be disqualified. I thought of the beautiful, magical blue gem I found last summer...… ……...

Zain's 250 Word Entry!

The series of tragical              events

Today was a mirthful day (yeah right!) Okay, I’ll change that sentence; today was supposed to be a mirthful day however it turned out to be an exceedingly calamitous day. It all started this morning; despite the fact that it was almost noon. I woke up just in time to see ‘Skyfall’ when my mum saw me and said"Zain, you look awful". I replied "Thanks" in a way that I loathed her comment but I actually loved her statement. Then out of nowhere my dad appeared and gave my mum tea; just have a slight guess what happened next?
He spilled it on my mum’s new outfit. You should have seen my mum’s face… I don’t want to go in further detail. Well then my brother came up and he said he wanted me to buy him a car as big as a frog (that’s how he described it). My dad agreed with him and there was nothing for me to do but listen so I went to ‘Delhaize’ with my brother plus he bought a car which was €20 while we were at the shop my mother was making pancakes also when we came back to tell her that my brother insisted to buy the dear car she ignored me and mum flipped the pancake up but instead of catching it the pancake fell right into my face.. a terrible way to end a terrible day.       

Dear Zain,

If you want to enter the 100 Word Challenge, you will have to reduce the number of words in this piece of writing, as I am unable to submit it with a 250 word count!!

I am sure that you can do this...

Mrs T.                             

Monday, February 11, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 19

 Waking up early, but still too late,

 I woke up expecting the alarm to go off before me.

 But I beat it. I woke up a half hour earlier, and that’s 3 days in a row.

 So at least today I can reach school in time (which happens very rarely. My school is about 10 min from here).  Once I got ready; (15 min left), I was watching my mum make breakfast. She was making pancakes (Hooray) but she was terrible at it. (5 min left). Mum flipped the pancake but it stuck to the ceiling. (10 seconds left). Too late for breakfast, I raced to school. 

Spy in the Huddle - BBC


I am not sure who is able to view this series; it looks magical!
Mrs T.

Our Writing Mnemonic

I need help in remembering our mnemonic...

 Adjectives, adverbs, alliteration,



Five senses: sight, smell, touch, hear and taste
Grouping nouns






 Punctuation, paragraphs, passive, personification
Question the audience, 
Repetition for effect, rhythm of sentences
 Similes, speech,
Triplet: using three adjectives to describe an item

 Verbs, vary sentence length and vocabulary


