Friday, March 8, 2013

Homework for Week Ending 8th March 2013

Spellings for Monday
Compare how writers use descriptive language in different texts -APP activity for Monday
Level 6 - Schofield Comprehension Book 4: Numbers 1 and  8 for Thursday
Level 6 - paper 6 for Friday
Level 5 -comprehension for Thursday
Level 5 - Year 7 interactive: units 8, 10 and 12 for Tuesday
Level 6 - Year 8 -interactive  units 13,16 and 17 for Tuesday
Level 7 - Year 9 - interactive units  6, 9 and 15 for Tuesday


  1. Is there is a test on unit 6,9,15 on Wednesday?

  2. Not and 'official' test...There is no need to worry!

    Mrs T.
