Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home School Book - Year 6 Week Ending 1st March 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

Finally, this week, it was my turn to succumb to this very nasty flu virus; I do hope that the ‘flu’ season will come to an end soon and stop disrupting our life in Year 6!

The Year 6 interior designers are hard at work; their ‘mini-business enterprise project’ is to transform the basement into the new ‘BISB Fitness and Dance Studio’.  Armed with tape measures, they took detailed measurements of the room and are now busy entering the data onto a 3D ‘room builder’computer programme. There were squeals of delight as replicas of the room began to appear on their computer screens. 

Again, the children were put through their dance routines by our visiting choreographer and finally, with the help of the techno members of class 6, I managed to work the video camera on my Epad; I have uploaded, to the blog, two of the film clips for you to view and enjoy.

In Literacy, the children have continued their reading of ‘Tintin in Tibet’, and we have analysed how writers use different sentence structures and rhythms. Interestingly, one of the 100 Word Challenge showcase winners last week provided an excellent example of how sentence length variations develop rhythm. The pupils continue to receive complimentary comments from teachers across the globe for their efforts in writing; this is writing for ‘real’; please take time to read some of their entries.

Students are working on a range of mathematical topics at the moment, these include: transformations, congruent and similar shapes, translation and vector notation, enlargements and scale factors and scale drawing. The children are now encountering exceedingly challenging topics and I am impressed with their determination to achieve – well done to you all!

As part of the Tintin project, we have begun our science topic about air pressure.  To start things off with a bang, I used the ‘Egg in a Bottle’ eggsperiment to demonstrate that once a partial vacuum had been created by heating and cooling the air molecules in a bottle, with a boiled egg acting as a cork, air outside the bottle would try to fill the bottle, however with the boiled egg in the way, and the air pressure outside so great, the egg is literally ‘pushed’ into the bottle. We had tremendous fun changing the variables with speggtacular results!

Have a great weekend.

Mrs T

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