Friday, March 8, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 22

All About Decisions

I was on a trip to the forest. I don’t know what it was called; something that sounded like ‘worst’. I got down at the stop. There were 2 buses waiting for me. #45 and #66. I had to make my decision quick. Try to remember…
Yes I had to take the #45.
I reached the forest.
There was a footpath. I –instead- took the hard path. I jumped over the fence and started my journey.
(45 minutes -or was it 45 days- later)
I found myself facing umpteen numbers of flights of steps. Decision immediately needed. Very dark now


  1. Lots of decisions in this story...I now want to read more to see if you made the right decisions or not! A good idea to make your story all about choices, I enjoyed reading this, Jane Hewitt team 100wc

  2. Rishikesh, I really do like your writing style, it reminds me of one of my favourite authors - fast-paced and concise.
