Friday, March 1, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Ruvarashe Week 21

Eruption ?

''Faster,'' I shouted. The volcano was about to erupt and we were running out of time. This was the fifth time we had tried to find a highway but all we did was go in circles leading us nowhere near safety. The sense of endurance was beginning to evaporate and the fierce sense of hopelessness was rising. The car stopped suddenly and the breath was sucked out of my lungs. My heart was pounding and I realised that I was falling, falling, falling.With screams echoing around me, it was finally over. Darkness and then THE END HAD JUST BEGAN !!


  1. Wow! I really liked your story!

  2. Goodness me, Ruvarashe, what a tense and nail-biting story; I was sitting on the edge of my seat!

    Wonderful work,

    Mrs T.

  3. Laura (Team 100WC)March 4, 2013 at 8:57 PM

    Wow, what an exciting 100WC Ruvarashe! I love how we get straight into the excitement at the start of the story. I hope the world does not end like that any time soon!

    Keep up the fantastic work!

    Laura (Team 100WC)
