Saturday, March 9, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 8th March 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

A big thank you to Mr C for finding the time in his hectic life as a journalist to give us a presentation about the ‘real’ Buzz Aldrin’ whom he interviewed during his visit to Brussels during the week.  The C children also got to meet this famous astronaut and even managed to put our school’s name in the news when they held up a poster with BISB on it for a joint photo with him.

On Tuesday, Year 6 pupils had the pleasure of reading to the Nursery children on two occasions. Mrs D was thrilled to hear some reluctant and shy Nursery pupils engaging with, and talking about, the texts with the Year 6 students.

What a treat we enjoyed on Wednesday morning!  The visit to La Monnaie Opera House proved to be very special. We sat in the best seats in the Opera House whilst we listened to our charming guide (in French) taking us through the history of La Monnaie to the present day. The children were overjoyed to be allowed to sit in the Royal Box and to visit areas of the building reserved for the artistes.  In the costume department coats and crinolines were tried on.  The children saw a miniature, working replica of an Opera House as well as ‘lightweight’ huge books, wigs and even a severed head!  We hope to continue this new relationship with La Monnaie in the form of a workshop during the next academic year.

We enjoyed a visit from a French author on Thursday, who talked to the children, in French, about how she wrote, illustrated and published her book.  This week, the students have had to listen and communicate in French; it is on these ‘real’ occasions that we as teachers notice how proficient the majority of children are in this language.

Oh yes, we did manage to squeeze in: how authors use dialogue effectively to reveal character and relationships between characters, how to make effective comparisons between the descriptive styles of different writers, factors, prime numbers, index notation,  laws on indices, negative indices, standard form, fractional indices, fractions and percentages, BODMAS and problems in context. Another frenetic week in Year 6!

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend.

Mrs T.

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