Saturday, March 30, 2013

100 Word Challenge

Are there really only three entries for this week!!!!!  This challenge is your only remaining opportunity to practise your creative writing skills, as we shall be revising non-fiction next term...

Mrs T.

Friday, March 29, 2013

NRICH Weekly problem 13

Weekly Problem 13 - 2013

Stage: 2 and 3 Challenge Level:1

2002 started on a Tuesday.

In which years between now and 2015 will each date fall on the same day of the week as it fell that year?

Weekly Problem 12 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1
Let the number be x. Then x2=2x3, that is x2(12x)=0.
So x=0 or x=12.
However, x is positive, so the only solution is x=12.

Spelling and Grammar Resources

Spelling and Grammar resources


Have a look at the above link...

Mrs T.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

NRICH 'Live' maths problem

NRICH 'Live'Problem Upper Primary

Hello you mathematicians!

Do you want to have a go at submitting an answer to the above problem?

I am trying to find math challenges for you - this might be one solution.

Perhaps we could discuss is tomorrow...

Mrs T.

Tintin Photographs


I have posted the Tintin pictures online....

Mrs T.

Friday, March 22, 2013

NRICH Weekly problem (12)

Weekly Problem 12 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1
The square of a positive number is twice as big as the cube of that number. What is the number?

Last week's solution:

Weekly Problem 11 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1
The reduction of 15% off sale prices is equal to a reduction of 7.5% off the original prices. Therefore the toal reduction on the original prices is (50 + 7.5)% = 57.5%.

100 Word Challenge!


I am waiting to upload your 100 word challenges to the blog...

Mrs T.

Homework for week ending 22nd March 2013

Dear Students,

As discussed, please design a revision timetable for the holiday. Also, would you please make sure that you have a usb stick for Monday!

Enjoy the weekend...

Mrs T.

Revision Information for the Holiday

Dear Students,

I expect you all to carry out revision during the spring holiday!  I have explained to you, individually, those topic areas that you need to revise in depth.  In addition to this, I would like you to work through the following web pages, making sure that you record work that you have done in your file or revision timetable; paper or electronic version:

Literacy: (Only the reading and writing sections)


IC, RM, KM, ZQ, MH - Please work through ALL the sections on this link...

EK, TB, FD - Please work through ALL the sections of this link and any of CIMT Years 7 & 8


You must make sure that are able to carry out any task up to and including level 7 on the descriptor chart that you have been given.
CIMT Year 7,8 & 9

If you wish to attempt GCSE work, you may...

GCSE work:

Work hard!

Mrs T.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 15th March 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

Yet another testing week with the snow, ice and wind!  I do hope that we have seen the last of this disruptive weather so that we can resume a modicum of routine to our school week. However, on our ‘snow day’, I did have the pleasure of reading to all the children in the library, where it was comfy and cosy and we could forget about the freezing conditions outside.

Congratulations to Ishita for being the first BISB student whose work has appeared in the 100 Word Challenge.  As this is proving to be such a popular (and beneficial) activity with the children, I have set up a blog just for this; there is a link from our class blog:

Our next ‘Big Writing Day’ will be on Friday 22nd March.  I shall be posting a ‘picture prompt’ and further details on the class blog this weekend; students will then have time to gather their thoughts and ideas ready for next week.

The Year 6 pupils had a business meeting with Tomasz, the school caretaker, to discuss the paint colour options for the BISB Fitness and Dance Studio. It was decided to retain the red floor and to use contrasting shades of beige for the walls, as a background colour, to coordinate with individual classes’ wall-art.

In literacy this week, we have battled with learning how to write paragraphs with cohesion and flow; making sure that the end of each paragraph clearly links to the star of the next as ideas are built up and extended.

I have been assessing the children’s maths, so that we can address any problem areas in preparation for the examinations which are fast approaching; pupils will be given an opportunity to revise any topics that they find difficult during the spring holiday.

Would you please be so kind as to return the ‘Tintin’ outing authorisation slips as soon as possible?

I look forward to meeting with you next week.

With Best Wishes,

Mrs T,       

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letter of thanks from the Director...

Dear Mr P,

Thank you so much for sending the letters written by you year 6 students.  I was very impressed by their comments on the quality of the acting and that they appreciated the look of the play and the use of props rather than a set.    They were, as I remember, a very attentive audience during the whole performance.  It is always a pleasure to get feedback from your audience and to hope that perhaps we have inspired another generation of Shakespeare enthusiasts.

Please thank them all on my behalf for their kind comments – all much appreciated by the actors and crew who work so hard to make it happen.  We look forward to seeing them at future productions

Kind regards

Director, The Merchant of Venice

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Maths Revision - Simultaneous Equations


I am just marking the test papers. Would Rishikesh, Driti, Tisya, Ishika, Divij and Ishita please have a look at the following, if possible, over the weekend...

Focus on simultaneous equations.

Many thanks,

Mrs T.

Arriving home in France this morning!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Writing Prompt for Big Writing Day, Friday 22nd March 2013

Homework week ending 15th March 2013

Spellings for Monday
Schofield comprehension x 2 for Level 6 candidates for Monday 25th March
Schofield comprehension  1 for Level 5 candidates for Monday 25th March
Paper 7 for Level 6 candidates for Monday 25th March

Big Writing day will be on Friday 22nd March; I will post a 'picture prompt' on the blog this weekend.

What I am looking for:

All the level 5 descriptors


An intriguing opening paragraph
Make sure that the end of each paragraph clearly links to the start of the next
Sentence structures and rhythms
Dialogue that effectively reveals character and relationships between characters

Thursday, March 14, 2013

100 Word Challenge Blog

100 Word Challenge Blog

Hello everyone,

I have created a new blog for the 100 Word Challenge; I am trying to put it in the links....

Mrs T

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Book Review by Driti - 'Trapped' by Cate Carlisle

To say the truth, I can’t go past a Cate Carlisle book. The minute I opened the book, I have to admit that I found the start a bit boring. However, as I moved on to the next chapter, I was completely addicted to it. I read on and on, and I had to stop in between for a few moments to take in all the excitement!

In the book “Trapped”, we follow a 16-year old girl named Cate. She is working on a yacht, for a British supermodel and actress, Nancy Kyle!  But she soon discovers this yacht may appear to be ordinary, but it is filled with spies and secrets. Marcus the cook is one example.
When Cate notices him talking to a mysterious man in the middle of the night, her adventure starts.

From a normal school girl, she transforms herself into a remarkably brave spy. With the help of her brother she sets out to save some rare animals which turns out to be her most dangerous task yet. More risky ones lay ahead of her.

I was delighted to learn that there just wasn’t one breath-taking book “Trapped”, but also “Deep waters” and “Viper’s nest, sequels to it. If you are interested in thriller books, this female version of the famous series “Alex Rider” is the one for you to try out!!

Congratulations Ishita

Well done, Ishita - our first 'Showcase'!

Mrs T.

Barbie and Ken


Would you please bring in the 'Merchant of Venice' dolls this week, as I would like to show the display to a group of visitors.

Thank you.

Mrs T.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spellings for Monday 18th March 2013

BT.OR words

Team A
Team B

Sunday, March 10, 2013

From NRICH Maths

Weekly Problem 10 - 2013

Stage: 3 Challenge Level:1
The three blind mice stole a piece of cheese. In the night, the first mouse ate 13 of the cheese. Later, the second mouse ate 13 of the remaining cheese. Finally, the third mouse ate 13 of what was then left of the cheese.
Between them, what fraction of the cheese did they eat?

100 Word Challenge Week 23

The prompt this week is a selection of words that you have to include in your writing. They can go anywhere and in any order. They are:
… Bath    Mysterious   Orange   Cat    Separated….
Try to highlight them in some way so that your readers can spot them! Do go and visit other schools entries. We all find comments so useful to making our work better.
I am looking forward to reading your entries!  Mrs T.

Trip to 'Tintin' Museum on Thursday 21st March


Dear Parents,

Here are the final details for our trip to the Musée Hergé at Louvain la Neuve on Thursday 21st March.  We shall travel by minibus to and from the museum and enjoy a picnic lunch at the location before returning to school for 3.00 p.m.

Children may wear home-clothes for the trip.  Each child will need a small rucksack containing a drink, packed lunch and any additional snacks.  There is a shop (however the merchandise is rather expensive) should your child wish to bring pocket money to purchase a souvenir.

The cost for this outing is 10 euros, would you please return the money to me in an addressed envelope.

With kind regards,

Mrs T

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 8th March 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

A big thank you to Mr C for finding the time in his hectic life as a journalist to give us a presentation about the ‘real’ Buzz Aldrin’ whom he interviewed during his visit to Brussels during the week.  The C children also got to meet this famous astronaut and even managed to put our school’s name in the news when they held up a poster with BISB on it for a joint photo with him.

On Tuesday, Year 6 pupils had the pleasure of reading to the Nursery children on two occasions. Mrs D was thrilled to hear some reluctant and shy Nursery pupils engaging with, and talking about, the texts with the Year 6 students.

What a treat we enjoyed on Wednesday morning!  The visit to La Monnaie Opera House proved to be very special. We sat in the best seats in the Opera House whilst we listened to our charming guide (in French) taking us through the history of La Monnaie to the present day. The children were overjoyed to be allowed to sit in the Royal Box and to visit areas of the building reserved for the artistes.  In the costume department coats and crinolines were tried on.  The children saw a miniature, working replica of an Opera House as well as ‘lightweight’ huge books, wigs and even a severed head!  We hope to continue this new relationship with La Monnaie in the form of a workshop during the next academic year.

We enjoyed a visit from a French author on Thursday, who talked to the children, in French, about how she wrote, illustrated and published her book.  This week, the students have had to listen and communicate in French; it is on these ‘real’ occasions that we as teachers notice how proficient the majority of children are in this language.

Oh yes, we did manage to squeeze in: how authors use dialogue effectively to reveal character and relationships between characters, how to make effective comparisons between the descriptive styles of different writers, factors, prime numbers, index notation,  laws on indices, negative indices, standard form, fractional indices, fractions and percentages, BODMAS and problems in context. Another frenetic week in Year 6!

I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend.

Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge Week 22

Thank you for all your 100 word challenges!   I am preparing our weekly Indian meal and looking forward to viewing my Saturday night thriller!

Have a great evening,

Mrs T.

100 Word Challenge BT Divij

The murky forest was leading me to its ‘path of doom’. I was terribly frightened. To make things worse the road came to a halt. “Left or right” I asked myself. Suddenly without warning I heard a voice from behind “Chooooose left” then another voice “Chooooose right”. I stood there petrified; was I dreaming?! I waited there for a while to get my breath back and then carried on. I chose to go left. About 100 meters down another road joined to this one. Before I had the time to look ahead, the road disappeared and trees replaced the view.

100 Word Challenge BT Zain

Too weary to die, too tired to live

 The monster was getting nearer and nearer; I was exhausted by the time Ego reached two staircases. I had to make a decision before the half werewolf, quarter Frankenstein and quarter mutant stalled with me. Think. Right or left, I chose right: it was the last place the beast would go because of the vegetation; no. The ‘Freakenstein’ was now standing exactly in front of me!  I was too petrified to sense anything so I ran back, threw myself into a thorny bush and waited for my eyes to close… they didn’t…          

100 Word Challenge BT Tisya


   “I’m going on a hike mom, be back in an hour.” I headed for the camp’s green forests.

   On my way, I came upon a photo. It had two stairways, the one on the right had a tree covering it. I cleaned the dirt off the photo and found a rough bit; as soon as I touched that part, I found myself falling into a tunnel. Ahhhhh!!! I hit the ground with a tent cushioning my fall. Somebody had been here! I saw myself staring at the stairs in the photo. From behind them came a loud roar. OMG!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Ruvarashe

Trapped ?

The night had come and with it a sense of loneliness. This was the fifth time I had tried to escape and all I did was go in circle, leading me nowhere near freedom. By now I was beginning to lose my patience and my potential. I decided to try one more time and if I did not succeed I would have to do the unthinkable. Just as the temptation of giving up was rising ...
... there they were, SOME STAIRS. '' I am saved ,''I whispered to myself still gasping for air ...

100 Word Challenge BT Ishita Week 22

                        Enchanted Steps  
Lost. I was simply lost.  My map was blurred by the uninterrupted rain which was like a downpour of tears, - the feeling of being vanquished bothered me- I was looking at a path which split into two ways with steps surrounded by green grass and tall trees. Being a detective and chasing gangsters was my job. A gangster name McKing was secretly hiding in this forest in Belgium. My eye caught the light of a lantern! However there wasn’t anyone holding it. Attracted by the lantern, I took a path and ascended the steps, unaware of what lay ahead.

Homework for Week Ending 8th March 2013

Spellings for Monday
Compare how writers use descriptive language in different texts -APP activity for Monday
Level 6 - Schofield Comprehension Book 4: Numbers 1 and  8 for Thursday
Level 6 - paper 6 for Friday
Level 5 -comprehension for Thursday
Level 5 - Year 7 interactive: units 8, 10 and 12 for Tuesday
Level 6 - Year 8 -interactive  units 13,16 and 17 for Tuesday
Level 7 - Year 9 - interactive units  6, 9 and 15 for Tuesday

100 Word Challenge BT Rishikesh Week 22

All About Decisions

I was on a trip to the forest. I don’t know what it was called; something that sounded like ‘worst’. I got down at the stop. There were 2 buses waiting for me. #45 and #66. I had to make my decision quick. Try to remember…
Yes I had to take the #45.
I reached the forest.
There was a footpath. I –instead- took the hard path. I jumped over the fence and started my journey.
(45 minutes -or was it 45 days- later)
I found myself facing umpteen numbers of flights of steps. Decision immediately needed. Very dark now

100 Word Challenge BT Ishika Week 22

The Whispering Forest

I gazed at the scene.The trees were like a crowd of vivid green umbrellas, the branches swayed to the rhythm of the wind, their leaves fluttering like graceful butterflies.The dew-soaked grass glittered like a field of sparkling diamonds.I thought hard for a moment. Why would Aunt Claire keep me away from such a beautiful forest like this?
Then whispered a voice from the bushes, Do you think it's Annabelle, I mean The Princess Annabelle?.Who was behind the bushes and... how did they know my name? And why did they say The Princess Annabelle?

100 Word Challenge BT Felix

Dangerous  pursuit

I was running straight ahead, rock faces on each side, as if trying to squeeze me along  the tiny path which in fact  was so slim, that a horse would have had trouble coming through. So how could it be that I was being pursued by a horse ridden by a grim-looking knight, with a sword which would have sliced through the tough skin of a crocodile like a kitchen knife through a watermelon which had been rotting for 3 weeks. Thinking of these horrible facts kept me running. Suddenly  I came to a clearing with 2 stairways ,
which one should I choose ? I took the right one and noticed, it was a dead end, so I tried to run back but the knight was closing in...     

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

100 Word Challenge BT Driti Week 22

Biggest Decision yet…

“Help!” a cry pierced through the forest. I scurried down the steps. The forest and its treacherous ways…how I feared them! Unwillingly, I descended deeper into the forest. I nearly fainted at the sight. A tiger was menacingly moving towards a khakhi-clad woman.  Should I go and save her? I noticed a gun lying on the ground. Reaching for it quickly, I pointed the gun straight at the tiger. Hearing the twigs break, it turned its attention towards me. The girl ran out, I shot the gun instinctively and it lay in front of me, dead.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home School Book - Year 6 Week Ending 1st March 2013

Home School Book – Year 6
Dear Parents,

Finally, this week, it was my turn to succumb to this very nasty flu virus; I do hope that the ‘flu’ season will come to an end soon and stop disrupting our life in Year 6!

The Year 6 interior designers are hard at work; their ‘mini-business enterprise project’ is to transform the basement into the new ‘BISB Fitness and Dance Studio’.  Armed with tape measures, they took detailed measurements of the room and are now busy entering the data onto a 3D ‘room builder’computer programme. There were squeals of delight as replicas of the room began to appear on their computer screens. 

Again, the children were put through their dance routines by our visiting choreographer and finally, with the help of the techno members of class 6, I managed to work the video camera on my Epad; I have uploaded, to the blog, two of the film clips for you to view and enjoy.

In Literacy, the children have continued their reading of ‘Tintin in Tibet’, and we have analysed how writers use different sentence structures and rhythms. Interestingly, one of the 100 Word Challenge showcase winners last week provided an excellent example of how sentence length variations develop rhythm. The pupils continue to receive complimentary comments from teachers across the globe for their efforts in writing; this is writing for ‘real’; please take time to read some of their entries.

Students are working on a range of mathematical topics at the moment, these include: transformations, congruent and similar shapes, translation and vector notation, enlargements and scale factors and scale drawing. The children are now encountering exceedingly challenging topics and I am impressed with their determination to achieve – well done to you all!

As part of the Tintin project, we have begun our science topic about air pressure.  To start things off with a bang, I used the ‘Egg in a Bottle’ eggsperiment to demonstrate that once a partial vacuum had been created by heating and cooling the air molecules in a bottle, with a boiled egg acting as a cork, air outside the bottle would try to fill the bottle, however with the boiled egg in the way, and the air pressure outside so great, the egg is literally ‘pushed’ into the bottle. We had tremendous fun changing the variables with speggtacular results!

Have a great weekend.

Mrs T