Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Winners Wall Climbing Thursday 20th June


Dear Parents,

There will be an outing to Winner’s Sport Centre for a ‘wall-climbing’ instructor led session, on Thursday 20th June, 2013.   We shall be walking to and from the venue and expect to return to school before the end of school pick-up time. 

Children will have lunch before departing; however I suggest that a snack and bottle of water be provided in small back pack for the outing. Also, children are required to wear sports clothing and trainers.

The cost of the afternoon is 10 euros per child; please send the money, in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs T, preferably by Monday June 10th. Thank you.
PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN by Monday 10th of June.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,  
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
to go on the trip to Winner’s Sport Centre for a ‘wall-climbing’ instructor led session on Thursday 20th June, 2013.   
I have enclosed 10 euro to cover the cost of this outing.
Parent's name:_________________________ Phone:_____________________

Parent's signature:______________________