Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 7th June 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

By the time that you read this letter, the examinations should hopefully be finished.  This year proved to be particularly challenging because the children insisted on taking the additional higher-level papers, which is fantastic and for which they should be applauded.  As I have watched them working determinedly through exam after exam, it is difficult to believe that these are the same pupils whose parents, at the beginning of the academic year, were concerned about them becoming responsible and focused secondary school students.  They are.    I now have the daunting but rewarding task of marking their exam papers…

Rehearsals are in full flow; the Romeos are developing romantically whilst the Juliets are gesticulating from the balcony; this interpretation is truly unique! I shall try to confirm costume requirements before the weekend; please ignore any requests from your child for the purchase of a new wardrobe!

Finally, with just a few weeks to go, the paint arrived for the BISB Keep-Fit Studio. With Tomasz in control, armed with rollers, paintbrushes and tubs of paint we made our way to the basement.   Working in teams of three, wearing overalls, safety glasses and rubber gloves the children set to work.  Some pupils painted at a leisurely pace, others ‘rolled’ frantically, whilst some preferred to paint the same ‘strip’, over and over and over again!

You should have received three letters concerning end of year trips; copies of these are on the blog if your child has mislaid them!  I am unable to provide you with a definite time of arrival at BISB after our night out; perhaps we could arrange, as we did for the play night, for a group of parents to provide a late-night taxi service?  It would be easier if I could telephone one parent on our departure from the cinema who would them disseminate this information to others; please let me know if you are willing to take on this task.

I hope that you have a relaxing weekend bathed in glorious sunshine!

Best wishes,

Mrs T