Saturday, June 1, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 31st May 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

I am not even going to comment on the weather this week! The end of year examinations have begun and the students are working their way through them with determination and good humour! So far, the children have completed the writing task, maths papers A and B, the mental maths test all at levels 3-5. Next week, some children will be sitting higher level papers.

Trying to fit in rehearsals for the end of year production is proving to be somewhat of a challenge; however, we are managing to make some progress in our dramatic interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. We are seeking inspiration from the comedy version ‘Gnomeo and Juliet’!

Finally, we began our forensic science project. This started with testing our observations skills; investigating our short and long-term memories.  The detectives were tasked with observing a picture, looking for important information and then being asked a series of questions – only one person noticed the time on the clock… Needless to say, after a few more attempts, observational skills improved. This was followed by investigating cheiloscopy or the study of lip prints. Having argued over which colour of lipstick to use, the Year 6 scientists proceeded to take and make a selection of lip prints on paper and glass slides, which were examined with magnifying glasses and under the microscope. There were squeals of delight when ‘long vertical, branching and rectangular grooves’ were identified.  Mr Prescott appeared rather bemused as he walked into the classroom to see the teacher and pupils all wearing bright red number 80 lipstick!

Our common room has been redecorated much to the delight of the pupils (and mine); it really ought to be featured in next month’s issue of ‘House and Home’.

Congratulations to Year 6 for winning the 2013 cricket cup; this proved to be a highly emotional match.

If you have not yet received the Rippledown usb stick, please let me know…

Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs T. 

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