Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oceade Tuesday 25th June


Dear Parents,       
There will be a trip to ‘Oceade’ for all the children in the Junior Department on Tuesday 25th June.   

The cost of this trip will be 15 euro which includes the entrance charge and transport.   This year, to enable us to enjoy the maximum time in the water, we have decided that the children should bring two substantial, high-energy snacks for before and after Oceade.  This will be an all day trip and the children will need to bring:
Ø  Swimming costume and towel (shorts are permitted; no bikinis)
Ø  Water bottle and snacks, for before and after Oceade
Ø  Small back pack

Your child may bring extra pocket money if he/she wishes.

Safety is paramount for this type of activity which is why we have increased the adult to child ratio. Consequently, we require 2 parent-helpers from each class; would you please contact the school office if you are able to participate. Please note that Mrs. T. holds the ASA certificate for teaching school swimming and the NaRS Pool Safety Award.

Please kindly complete the form below and return it, with the 15 euro (in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and year) to the school office before Monday, June 18th.  Thank you.
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
is able/unable to join the Junior Department trip to Oceade, on Tuesday, June 25th. I have enclosed 15 euros to cover the price of the outing. Thank you.
Parent’s name:_____________________
Phone: ___________________________
Parent’s signature: _________________                               

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