Friday, June 21, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 21st June 2013

Dear Parents,

This week we watched the file ‘The Titanic’, which, although emotionally challenging, is an excellent interpretation of how, according to historical sources, that disastrous night unfolded. To continue the Titanic theme, our end of year party, on Thursday 27th June, will take the form of a Titanic Picnic Tea Party.  All passengers are expected to adhere to the strict dress code; for ladies, long dresses (hats and gloves are optional), and for the gentlemen tie, shirt and jacket (if you have one).  Captain Tranter will provide ‘champagne’ for the occasion.  Passengers are asked to speak to their caterer (Mummy) and ask her, politely, to prepare a picnic!

A fantastic and thrilling time wall climbing was had by all at Winner’s. Almost everyone succeeded in teaching the top – a first for Year 6! After the children had managed to put their harnesses on correctly, their first challenge was to walk around the walls; which was not quite as easy as it first looked.  This was followed by the climbing activity and abseiling down.  Finally, they all launched themselves from the balcony in true Tarzan style! The photographs are on our photo blog.

My congratulations to Divij who is our fourth pupil to appear in the 100 Word Challenge Showcase; well done to all the pupils who contribute regularly to this event.

Next week’s agenda:
Tuesday: Oceade
Wednesday: Night Out
Thursday: Titanic Picnic Tea Party

Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend,

Best Wishes,

Mrs T