Wednesday, June 5, 2013

End of Year Trip Wednesday 26th June (NEW DATE)


Dear Parents,

Our ‘End of Term’ outing will take place after school (timings to be confirmed) on Wednesday 26th June.  This will include a game of Q.Zar, a meal out at Pizza Hut and a trip to the cinema to see a film (we are still waiting to see what will be showing).  The cost for this trip will be 25 euro.  If children would like to buy popcorn, ice-creams and drinks at the cinema, they will need to bring extra pocket money.

IMPORTANT: It is estimated that we shall arrive back at school at around 22.30.
Please kindly send the money for the trip to me, in a sealed envelope. Thank you.

With kind regards,

PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN preferably before June 20.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
To participate in the ‘End of Term’ outing that will take place on Wednesday 26th June, returning at school at around 22.30
I have enclosed 25 euro to cover the cost of these outings. (Thank you)
Parent's name:_______________________________________

Parent's signature:____________________________________   

1 comment:

  1. can we watch 'man of steel' (the've made a better version of supperman) it's gonna come out on 19th june 2013
