Sunday, June 30, 2013

Breakfast - Indian Style

Mango yoghurt
An amazing selection of fresh fruit
Aloo parantha, puri bhaji, idlis, masala dosa served with sambar and chutney, uttapam, upma, medu vada...

The above reminded me of the usual packed lunches in Year 6!

Mrs T

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Arrived In Mumbai

28 degrees in the middle of the night!
Curry all the way on Jet Airways - fantastic...

Mrs T

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thank you

Dear Year 6,

Thank you for all the beautiful presents and kind words which I truly appreciate.  We have enjoyed a fantastic learning journey together this year and I am so pleased that I have all the hundreds of photographs to remind me of our numerous visits and activities.

I shall create a blog for you, but it will not be today as I MUST pack for my trip to India tomorrow!

Today was an emotionally difficult day, but I know that you are all ready for the challenge of secondary school.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you in the Autumn.

Lots of love,

Mrs T.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Year Six Night Out


I have just uploaded the photos from last night - see you later.

Mrs T.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

3D glasses for night out


Great day at Oceade - thank you for being so well behaved and helpful...

Please bring any 3D glasses that you may have at home; I have 5 pairs.

Zain, please bring the Rippledown usb  to school tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Mrs T.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Year 6 Night Out


Looking at the famous film website, it looks like this is the best option:

Stay at school  on Wednesday (bring your evening clothes with you)
Depart BISB at around 16.30
Qzar at around 17.30
Pizza Hut at around 18.15 - I am ordering a pepperoni!
Aim to be at the cinema for 19.30 - from the information available, the film starts at 20.00
Do not expect to be back at BISB until after 23.00!

The only suitable film appears to be Man of Steel - Superman - this is the preferred option by the majority!

To be discussed tomorrow...

Mrs T.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 21st June 2013

Dear Parents,

This week we watched the file ‘The Titanic’, which, although emotionally challenging, is an excellent interpretation of how, according to historical sources, that disastrous night unfolded. To continue the Titanic theme, our end of year party, on Thursday 27th June, will take the form of a Titanic Picnic Tea Party.  All passengers are expected to adhere to the strict dress code; for ladies, long dresses (hats and gloves are optional), and for the gentlemen tie, shirt and jacket (if you have one).  Captain Tranter will provide ‘champagne’ for the occasion.  Passengers are asked to speak to their caterer (Mummy) and ask her, politely, to prepare a picnic!

A fantastic and thrilling time wall climbing was had by all at Winner’s. Almost everyone succeeded in teaching the top – a first for Year 6! After the children had managed to put their harnesses on correctly, their first challenge was to walk around the walls; which was not quite as easy as it first looked.  This was followed by the climbing activity and abseiling down.  Finally, they all launched themselves from the balcony in true Tarzan style! The photographs are on our photo blog.

My congratulations to Divij who is our fourth pupil to appear in the 100 Word Challenge Showcase; well done to all the pupils who contribute regularly to this event.

Next week’s agenda:
Tuesday: Oceade
Wednesday: Night Out
Thursday: Titanic Picnic Tea Party

Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend,

Best Wishes,

Mrs T

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Photos and 100 Word Challenge

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you had a great time wall climbing - the photographs are on the blog!

Congratulations to Divij for being in the 100 Word Challenge Showcase this week.

See you tomorrow.

Mrs T.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 7th June 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

By the time that you read this letter, the examinations should hopefully be finished.  This year proved to be particularly challenging because the children insisted on taking the additional higher-level papers, which is fantastic and for which they should be applauded.  As I have watched them working determinedly through exam after exam, it is difficult to believe that these are the same pupils whose parents, at the beginning of the academic year, were concerned about them becoming responsible and focused secondary school students.  They are.    I now have the daunting but rewarding task of marking their exam papers…

Rehearsals are in full flow; the Romeos are developing romantically whilst the Juliets are gesticulating from the balcony; this interpretation is truly unique! I shall try to confirm costume requirements before the weekend; please ignore any requests from your child for the purchase of a new wardrobe!

Finally, with just a few weeks to go, the paint arrived for the BISB Keep-Fit Studio. With Tomasz in control, armed with rollers, paintbrushes and tubs of paint we made our way to the basement.   Working in teams of three, wearing overalls, safety glasses and rubber gloves the children set to work.  Some pupils painted at a leisurely pace, others ‘rolled’ frantically, whilst some preferred to paint the same ‘strip’, over and over and over again!

You should have received three letters concerning end of year trips; copies of these are on the blog if your child has mislaid them!  I am unable to provide you with a definite time of arrival at BISB after our night out; perhaps we could arrange, as we did for the play night, for a group of parents to provide a late-night taxi service?  It would be easier if I could telephone one parent on our departure from the cinema who would them disseminate this information to others; please let me know if you are willing to take on this task.

I hope that you have a relaxing weekend bathed in glorious sunshine!

Best wishes,

Mrs T

Final, Final, Maths Test...


Those students who are taking the mega final test, might want to refresh their skills by looking at the following link... WE HAVE NOT COVERED EVERYTHING!!!

Mrs T - still marking...

Do Not Disturb - Marking!

Wow!  I am really impressed with your answers so the level 4-6 paper...

Mrs T

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Winners Wall Climbing Thursday 20th June


Dear Parents,

There will be an outing to Winner’s Sport Centre for a ‘wall-climbing’ instructor led session, on Thursday 20th June, 2013.   We shall be walking to and from the venue and expect to return to school before the end of school pick-up time. 

Children will have lunch before departing; however I suggest that a snack and bottle of water be provided in small back pack for the outing. Also, children are required to wear sports clothing and trainers.

The cost of the afternoon is 10 euros per child; please send the money, in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs T, preferably by Monday June 10th. Thank you.
PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN by Monday 10th of June.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,  
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
to go on the trip to Winner’s Sport Centre for a ‘wall-climbing’ instructor led session on Thursday 20th June, 2013.   
I have enclosed 10 euro to cover the cost of this outing.
Parent's name:_________________________ Phone:_____________________

Parent's signature:______________________

Oceade Tuesday 25th June


Dear Parents,       
There will be a trip to ‘Oceade’ for all the children in the Junior Department on Tuesday 25th June.   

The cost of this trip will be 15 euro which includes the entrance charge and transport.   This year, to enable us to enjoy the maximum time in the water, we have decided that the children should bring two substantial, high-energy snacks for before and after Oceade.  This will be an all day trip and the children will need to bring:
Ø  Swimming costume and towel (shorts are permitted; no bikinis)
Ø  Water bottle and snacks, for before and after Oceade
Ø  Small back pack

Your child may bring extra pocket money if he/she wishes.

Safety is paramount for this type of activity which is why we have increased the adult to child ratio. Consequently, we require 2 parent-helpers from each class; would you please contact the school office if you are able to participate. Please note that Mrs. T. holds the ASA certificate for teaching school swimming and the NaRS Pool Safety Award.

Please kindly complete the form below and return it, with the 15 euro (in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and year) to the school office before Monday, June 18th.  Thank you.
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
is able/unable to join the Junior Department trip to Oceade, on Tuesday, June 25th. I have enclosed 15 euros to cover the price of the outing. Thank you.
Parent’s name:_____________________
Phone: ___________________________
Parent’s signature: _________________                               

End of Year Trip Wednesday 26th June (NEW DATE)


Dear Parents,

Our ‘End of Term’ outing will take place after school (timings to be confirmed) on Wednesday 26th June.  This will include a game of Q.Zar, a meal out at Pizza Hut and a trip to the cinema to see a film (we are still waiting to see what will be showing).  The cost for this trip will be 25 euro.  If children would like to buy popcorn, ice-creams and drinks at the cinema, they will need to bring extra pocket money.

IMPORTANT: It is estimated that we shall arrive back at school at around 22.30.
Please kindly send the money for the trip to me, in a sealed envelope. Thank you.

With kind regards,

PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN preferably before June 20.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,
Child’s Name: _________________________ Year __________
To participate in the ‘End of Term’ outing that will take place on Wednesday 26th June, returning at school at around 22.30
I have enclosed 25 euro to cover the cost of these outings. (Thank you)
Parent's name:_______________________________________

Parent's signature:____________________________________   

Sunday, June 2, 2013

TESiBoard update


I have put a few new activities in the Literacy folder...

Mrs T.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Home School Book Week Ending 31st May 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

I am not even going to comment on the weather this week! The end of year examinations have begun and the students are working their way through them with determination and good humour! So far, the children have completed the writing task, maths papers A and B, the mental maths test all at levels 3-5. Next week, some children will be sitting higher level papers.

Trying to fit in rehearsals for the end of year production is proving to be somewhat of a challenge; however, we are managing to make some progress in our dramatic interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. We are seeking inspiration from the comedy version ‘Gnomeo and Juliet’!

Finally, we began our forensic science project. This started with testing our observations skills; investigating our short and long-term memories.  The detectives were tasked with observing a picture, looking for important information and then being asked a series of questions – only one person noticed the time on the clock… Needless to say, after a few more attempts, observational skills improved. This was followed by investigating cheiloscopy or the study of lip prints. Having argued over which colour of lipstick to use, the Year 6 scientists proceeded to take and make a selection of lip prints on paper and glass slides, which were examined with magnifying glasses and under the microscope. There were squeals of delight when ‘long vertical, branching and rectangular grooves’ were identified.  Mr Prescott appeared rather bemused as he walked into the classroom to see the teacher and pupils all wearing bright red number 80 lipstick!

Our common room has been redecorated much to the delight of the pupils (and mine); it really ought to be featured in next month’s issue of ‘House and Home’.

Congratulations to Year 6 for winning the 2013 cricket cup; this proved to be a highly emotional match.

If you have not yet received the Rippledown usb stick, please let me know…

Enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs T. 

Thoughts from my farmhouse kitchen...

Dear Students,

  • Make sure that you revise Spag for Monday
  • I am marking the 'Wolf'  and PiRA papers - really pleased so far...
  • I have put the lip print photos on the photo blog!
  • Cat is having a snooze after a hectic 5 minutes eating

See you on Monday.

Mrs T