Sunday, January 13, 2013

Theatre Night - Thursday, 7th February

Itinerary for our outing to see 'The Merchant of Venice'

All pupils may remain in school after 15.30 on Thursday 7th February
Pre-theatre pizza supper party at 18.00 (I would be grateful if the parent-helpers could arrive at around 17.30 to help me with this)
19.00  - make our way to the theatre using public transport
Performance begins at 20.00
The performance is due to finish at approximately 22.30

The cost of this outing. including supper, is 20 euro - I shall send out the paperwork next week
Children will require a change of clothing for the evening

May I ask you to assist with the transport home?

Our party consists of 13 pupils and 4 adults

The school mini-bus has 7 seats
Could the parents of IC take 2 or 3 people home?
Could the driver of MH take 2 or 3 people home?
Could the parents of IN take 2 of 3 people home?

Please let me know if you are able to help out with the transport, thank you

1 comment:

  1. the minibus has 8 seats IF two people sit at the front (the bus has tree seats in every row; one for the driver, of course)
