Saturday, January 19, 2013

Home School Book 18th January 2013

Dear Parents,

The playground has been a winter wonderland this week.  If you look at the class photos on the blog, you will be able to see the children sledging on old tyres, cushions and plastic mats - anything and everything that could have been used to transport children around the playground - was!

It was an uphill struggle to keep the children focused on academic subjects; however, with promises of extra ‘snow-time’, we still managed to achieve a reasonable amount of work.

Some children have now completed a range of Level 6 questions on: percentages, fractions, decimal, ratio, proportional reasoning, calculating with fractions and to finish this block of study, a number review. They have now begun the algebra section, looking at the method for trial and improvement and how to construct and solve linear equations. Other children are working through individual revision programmes, focusing on examination style questions.

As part of our project on ‘The Merchant of Venice’, we are investigating four sub-plots of the story; in our next piece of assessed writing, pupils will be expected to demonstrate their ability to ‘weave’ two sub-plots into their text:

The four interwoven plots are:

1.   The deal between Antonio, a merchant of Venice who  makes his money from trading fine goods carried to and fro in his sailing ships, and Shylock a Jewish moneylender.   The deal goes wrong when a number of Antonio's ships perish at sea and threaten him with ruin.  Shylock is determined to earn the pound of Antonio's flesh that was promised him instead of interest when the loan was made.  Can Antonio escape death?
2.  The love between Portia and Bassanio
3.   The elopement of Shylock's Jewish daughter, Jessica, with the Christian Lorenzo
4.   A trick Portia plays on Bassanio to test his love of her.

Investigating the characters of Antonio and Bassanio has been achieved through looking at the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production that was set in modern day USA, Venice being Las Vegas: needless to say, there were many volunteers to act out the scenes!

It was a pleasure to meet with you on Wednesday evening; please make an appointment with me should you wish to discuss the matter further.

Have a lovely weekend. 
Kind regards,
Mrs T

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