Friday, January 18, 2013

Dear Parents,
As you aware, there will be a theatre trip on Thursday 7th February to see ‘The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare; the programme for the evening is as follows:
15.30 – 17.30 – Children may stay at school or are required to return to BISB by 18.30
17.30 – 18.45 – pre-theatre trip pizza party in the penthouse bistro (pupils may bring in extra tuck if they would like to).  Parent helpers should arrive for 17.30 (I shall need two parent-helpers for food preparation).
18.45 - depart BISB on public transport to the theatre
20.00 – 22.30 – performance
 22.30 - 23.00 approximately, end of performance - carriages home
Here is the proposed taxi arrangement; I have received confirmation from Mr. H., may I ask all parent-drivers to review this plan and confirm that this is acceptable, thank you. Addresses of pupils will then be sent to you from the school office.
Mr H - MH, ZQ and KM
BISB minibus (7) – Mrs B., TB, DG, DS, RD, RM and IN
Mrs MacC. – Mrs K., EK, IT, IC and Mrs T.
The cost for this trip is 20 euro; please kindly send the money in a sealed envelope, marked for my attention.  Children may bring in a change of clothes for the evening; there is a bar available should children wish to buy a soft drink during the interval. 
Once again, my sincere thanks for your support which enables me to organise exciting school trips for your child.
With kind regards,
Mrs T.
PLEASE KINDLY COMPLETE & RETURN to Mrs. T. by Monday 28 January, 2013.  Thank you.
I hereby give permission to my child,
Child’s Name: _____________________ in Year 6, to go on the trip to see ‘The Merchant of Venice’  at  Espace  Theatre Scarabaeus on the evening  of Thursday, February 7, 2013.  I have enclosed 20 euro to cover the cost of this outing.            Parents’ name:________________________
                                Phone:      ____________________________   Parent's signature

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