Monday, January 7, 2013

Letter to Parents - Carmen

Letter sent home with your child today, Monday 7th January

Dear Parents,

We have organised a trip for the pupils of Year 5 and Year 6, to see a puppet version of the opera ‘Carmen’ at The Theatre la Montagne Magique on Thursday, 10th January during school hours.
The cost for this trip, including entrance fee & public transport is 5 euro; would you please send the money in a sealed envelope to either Mr G or me at your earliest convenience, thank you.
Kind Regards,
Mrs T

Please kindly return in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name.  Thank you.
I/We hereby give permission for _____________________(name) in Year ____ to attend the ‘Carmen’ performance  at  Montagne Magique Theatre, on Thursday 10 Jan 2013 at 10.30.
I/we have enclosed the €5.00 fee to cover the cost of the excursion.
Name:_______________________________________    date:_______________
Phone number(s) ________________________     _________________________


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