Saturday, January 12, 2013

Home School Book 11th January 2013

Dear Parents,

Carmen, what a thrilling start to the new term!  Carmen is perhaps the best-known and most popular of all operas, thanks to its skilful combination of a love story with passionate, lyrical music and, above all, a heroine who is a true free spirit. I read the story of Carmen to the children, who appeared captivated by the plot and were enthusiastic to dress-up and act out the famous scene where Carmen sings (photos are on the blog)…
The production, in French, by ‘La Compagnie Karyatides’ was a truly magical experience. The children were enchanted with the unusual stage set of sand, puppets, lighting and an array of mini-props that were used to convey action and meaning. You will find a link to a video clip of the performance on our blog.

We have plunged straight into our revision programme for the end of year examinations.  In mathematics, our focus has now changed to using and applying skills previously learnt. Notwithstanding that children are working at different levels within the class, the following goal applies to all students:

'Children (...) should be able to work independently to apply their knowledge within unfamiliar and 
challenging problems, whilst thinking analytically and communicating their ideas effectively.   They will be beginning to be able to identify mathematics to be used where the signposting of mathematical concepts is less obvious and/or what is being asked is less familiar.'

In Literacy, the children revised sentence construction, including phrases, clauses, subject and predicate; they also revised articles.  Although 'under construction', you will find additional information on the Year 6 blog.

At our 'Book Club' meeting we discussed 'Warrior Girls' and 'Journey of 1000 Miles'.  I was delighted that the children enjoyed reading these books and were able to discuss the subject matter in such detail.

Our next outing will be to see ‘The Merchant of Venice’ on Thursday, 7th February.  I shall plan the itinerary this weekend and post it on the blog. 

What an inspirational first week –it’s great to be back at BISB.
Best wishes,
Mrs T

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