Monday, December 3, 2012

Spellings and Meanings for Monday 10th December 2012

A Christmas Carol Vocabulary

1. apparition: ghost; mere appearance, opposed to reality
2. ballustrades: a row of balusters topped by a rail: baluster - an upright support for a rail (stair case or porch rail)
3. benevolence: the disposition to do good; goodness; kindness
4. brazier: a pan for holding hot coals
5. caustic: capable of destroying the texture of anything or eating away by chemical reaction; OR severe; sharp; satirical, as a caustic remark
6. congenial: kindred; agreeable to the nature of
7. dirge: a song or tune intended to express grief, sorrow, remorse; as in a funeral dirge
8. entreaty: urgent prayer; earnest petition; pressing solicitation; supplication
9. facetious: witty; jocular; sprightly with wit and good humor; full of pleasantry
10. garret: a turret or watchtower; that part of the house which is immediately under the roof; an attic
11. homage: respect or reverential regard; deference; especially, respect shown by external actions
12. impropriety: that which is improper; an unsuitable or improper act; an inaccurate use of language
13. intimation: hint; an indirect or obscure suggestion or notice
14. ironmonger: a dealer in iron or hardware
15. irresolution: want of a resolution; want of a decision in purpose; a fluctuation of mind, as in doubt
16. misanthropic: hating or disliking mankind
17. morose: of a sour temper; severe; sullen and austere
18. ominous: foreboding; indicating a future evil event; inauspicious
19. phenomenon: that which strikes one as strange, unusual or unaccountable
20. ramparts: that which fortifies and defends from assault
21. remorse: anguish like a gnawing pain excited by a sense of guilt
22. residuary: pertaining to the residue or part remaining
23. resolute: having a fixed purpose; determined