Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dear Parents,

The festive season has arrived!  The children fought over which shoe to choose from my ‘emergency’ shoe collection, to place under the Christmas tree in anticipation of a visit from St Nicklaus. The school is filled with the sound of the pupils rehearsing for the end of year concert and the snow has arrived… Magical!

In mathematics, the children constructed triangles using a variety of methods: SSS (side, side, side); SAS - not Special Armed Stoats, but (side, angle, side); ASA (angle, side, angle).  Armed with protractors and pairs of compasses they proceeded to construct a range of triangles using the information that was provided.  By the end of the week, arcs were drawn with precision and angle measurements were accurate.

In grammar, the children studied the use of: colons, semicolons, hyphens, dashes and ellipses; part of their homework will be based on these topics.  We continued to read about the adventures of Mrs Chippy; the children are producing a portrait of her (him).  In preparation for the Year 6 annual reading of’ A Christmas Carol’, the spelling and meanings have a Dickensian frosty air.

Swimming proved somewhat of a challenge.  The Castle Club was having a new water heater system installed, consequently the water was cooler than usual, but this didn't seem to stop the children wanting to stay in the pool when the lesson had ended.

This week, the opportunity arose to focus on internet safety. It is hoped that all pupils are now acutely aware that chat pages and emails are not the correct forum to express emotional opinions: once posted to the web, there they remain, available to be viewed by anyone who has access to them and anyone who is determined enough to try to find them. I shall add the following link to my blog, which I hope, all pupils will look at:
Enjoy the snow!
With kind regards,
Mrs T

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