Saturday, December 1, 2012

Home School Book Number 11

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

I hope that you have all received your permission letters for our outing to Bruges; I shall be posting the itinerary on the blog, should any of the information be missing from your letter. I appreciate that this is an expensive trip, and once again, I thank you for your support.

In literacy, we have been making comparisons between two poems. The children were tasked with writing up their comparisons, stating which poem they found the most effective in describing atmosphere and setting, making sure that they used quotations from the texts to support their views. In addition to this, the children completed a comprehension assessment which focused on Assessment Focus (AF) 4- identifying and commenting on the structure, organisation and key features of persuasive texts, and AF6 – identifying the writer’s purpose and commenting on the persuasive effect of the text on the reader.  The children performed well in the test, however, as always, it is the in-depth discussion afterwards that is of vital importance, as pupils are given the opportunity to discuss their answers as well as being shown examples of higher-level answers to aim for next time.

The pupils completed a range of revision tests on factors and progressed on to being able to write algebraic expressions so that they include brackets – factorisation.  Despite this being a challenging activity, I was thrilled, when together, they managed to factorise:  4pq² - 20pq + 8p²q

The girls are currently working on an art project based on the novel ‘King Matt the First’ for the Polish Embassy, which is proving to be a true test of teamwork; the plan appears to change every morning!  Hopefully, they will be able to negotiate their way through this task.

Mrs Chippy continues ‘his’ (she is really a he!) round of sleeping and eating on board the ‘Endurance’.  The dogs have been moved to ‘dogloos’ on the ice, and there is now little hope of the ice melting…

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Kind regards,

Mrs  T        

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