Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear Parents,

What a moving and polished performance by the year 6 pupils yesterday. Each time that they rehearsed this, I, both as a mother and a teacher, winced at many of the statements of ‘your child’s requests’; I wonder why?  We enjoyed many discussions concerning these requests; easily finding examples for all the statements; hopefully, reflecting on the children’s performance and Janusz Korczak will remind us all to consider the importance of our words and actions.

Obviously, this week has been dominated by rehearsals; however, we still found time to discuss the level descriptors to be included in the next piece of writing on ‘Big Writing Day’ next Monday.  The subject is ‘A day in the life of Mrs Chippy’, written from her/his point of view.  This will be the final piece of levelled work this term.

The children have been given their maths revision tasks for the Christmas Holiday; there are two groups; the secret six and the famous five; I will put their detailed plans on the blog.

Next week is our outing to Bruges, all the details are on the blog; please make sure that your child wears warm clothing as we shall be outside all day and early evening. Any parent helpers should arrive at school for 0900.

I have booked seats for the Brussels Shakespeare Society's performance of ‘The Merchant of Venice’ on Thursday, 7 February 2013 at 8pm. Please check my blog for further details.

You will find class photographs on the blog links, however, to keep access limited, your email address must be added to the access list.  I have added a selection of email addresses from the school directory; if you are unable to view the photographs, please contact me with an email address, preferably a gmail one, so that I can update my records. 

I think that we shall have a quiet day today, after all the excitement of this week!
Wishing a peaceful weekend.
Best wishes,
Mrs T

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