Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 1 India

Hello Everyone,

My first day off, so I am enjoying a cup of coffee whilst listening to birds chirping and children playing outside, accompanied by the usual honking of vehicle horns.

I am staying in an apartment in Pashan which is not far from the school.  There is a lizard, in the bathroom who usually greets me on my return home, and it is always reassuring to find water in the tap! I now realise that I have to keep a few buckets of water on standby, in case the water pump is not working or the water tanker has not arrived to refill the tank. However,  these inconveniences are more than compensated for by having my washing and ironing done for me, and being able to eat a mouthwatering mango every day.

The weather is glorious which is a welcome change after Brussels, even the rain is warm -  it is a joy not having to wear layers of clothing,  Of course, I have had to buy a few new 'kurtas'; so many vibrant colours to choose from!

Today, I am going to venture out on my own, as my Hindi is non-existent, I have cut out the labels from food packets (already in the flat) so that I can show them to the shopkeeper to try to make myself understood - hopefully they will understand enough Hinglish to work out what I am trying to buy! This could be very amusing or a complete disaster...

I miss you all very much, thank you for your messages, skypes and emails; it is great to hear all your news; I will give Eera and Tanvi a big hug (from the girls), when I see her.

Best wishes,

Mrs T.

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