Sunday, April 21, 2013

Home School Book 19th April 2013

Home School Book – Year 6

Dear Parents,

As always, it is wonderful to be back in our classroom.  The children have returned reenergised and excited (I am as well) about our forthcoming trip to Rippledown.
Tuesday began with a selection of maths assessment online tests; it was evident from the results that some students had revised diligently during the holidays – well done.  Students are now focusing on practising exam style questions in preparation for the SATs.

The first non-fiction genre that we are revising is ‘persuasive writing’. This week we have analysed: emotive language, rhetorical questions, imagery, exaggeration, contrast, personalisation, repetition and a range of vocabulary to extend responses.  Obviously, there is no homework this week however, on our return from Rippledown, the pupils will be expected to write a persuasive text; they have this weekend and the next to revise for this.

In preparation for our long awaited visit to The Globe Theatre, we studied, very quickly, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  This involved reading a story ‘…Whoosh!’, watching part of an unabridged version of the play as well as an animated version.  With three sub-plots, the children found it difficult to work out who was in love with whom! After much discussion, watching the film clips and with the help of some ‘mind-maps’, this confusion was resolved.

In science, we managed to revise gas exchange in the alveoli, antagonistic muscles, hinge and ball and socket joints.   We then carried out an online activity to test a variety of foods for sugars, protein, fats and starch. 

I look forward to meeting you at the Gare du Midi on Sunday; please make sure that you bring all necessary travel documentation.  I shall be hibernating this weekend as I have the strangest feeling that sleep will be in short supply next week! See you at the station by 16.00 on Sunday afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs T

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