Friday, November 16, 2012

Home School Book 16.11.2012

Dear Parents,

As always, it was a pleasure to meet with you yesterday to discuss your child’s progress; I appreciate that time is limited, so please do not hesitate to make an appointment with me if you require any additional information.   The response to the Year 6 outing to Bruges has been positive; therefore, the proposed date for the trip is Tuesday 18th December. I already have an adequate number of parent-helper volunteers and taxi drivers, should the outing involve a late return – thank you. I will keep you updated on the Year 6 Blog.

My sincere thanks to Mrs J K for her time and patience in teaching me how to blog as well as a host of other computer skills; I hope that you enjoy watching my progress over the next few months!

I was most impressed with the outcome of the ‘roman noir’ task; the children were asked to recite their description of ‘Miss Fromsett’ in a noir style, in front of the class; both the children and I were inspired by the atmosphere that these narrations created.  This week, we have been analysing how to summarise a text to its most important parts; this will form part of this week’s homework.

In science, the pupils were asked to create a scale model for the Earth/Moon system using string, a balloon and a ping pong ball; they were given information about the relationship between the sizes and distances, but no equipment with which to measure these.
We continued our reading about the expedition of Ernest Shackleton; Mrs Chippy appears to spend most of her time napping, eating or catching mice whilst the ship is sandwiched in the pack ice. 

In maths, we have continued to focus on algebra with the substitution of numbers both positive and negative, using all four operations and square roots.  Some children are working with multiples, factors, prime numbers, prime factors and special number sequences: even, odd, square and triangle.
It is my intention to post as much information as possible on the blog, including homework and information about trips, as well as examples of the children’s work; enjoy!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Kind regards,



  1. nice work on getting mrs. chippy and the news letter also the photos

  2. Thank you DG; I am learning every day...
